Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jazz game performance

For our performance at the Jazz game the girls will need to meet me at Door #1 on the North side of the building at 6:45. The girls do not need a ticket to perform but will need one if they are staying to watch the game. All parents that are going to enter the building will need a ticket. Even if you are not staying to watch the game. Please be all ready to perform with your sweats over the top of your costumes. It is a late start game so the girls will be performing at about 8:00. If you are just sending in the girls to perform please set a meeting place for around 8:25 to meet them. FYI For the Jazz game parents are welcome to come and sit down low to get pictures and videos of the girls. If 1 parent per girl will come down into the dressing room with us when we get there to help. Also I will keep the girls in the dressing room after they perform until someone from your family comes to get them. I do not want any costumes worn to the game after we are done performing. Please be sure you have everything with you before you leave the dressing room.

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