Monday, August 23, 2010


We are selling Tony's Pizza for a fundraiser. You will sell them for $7.50 each and you profit $1.50 off each pizza sold. This is a very easy fundraiser! You can pick up the order forms from me at the studio or you can print off the ones below and make copies of them. You will need to turn in all of your order forms along with ONE check for your entire order minus $1.50 which is what you will keep. (I will not axcept checks from anyone you sell to so be sure they make the checks out to you and then you will turn in only ONE check for your order.) Everything needs to be turned in by Sept. 9th and then you will go to Tony's on Tues. Sept. 14th between 12:00 and 4:00 to pick up your pizzas. Do not put multiple pizzas on one ticket, each pizza needs its own ticket. Also, only include the toppings listed on the tickets. They will not add toppings. If you have any questions please call me.


___ Mushroom
___ Ham
___Green Peppers
___Green Olives
___ The Works

Sold by:______________
pre-heat oven to 400
remove foil
cook 10-15 minutes
Thaw before cooking

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Can you order just plain cheese?! I mean, that isn't adding any toppings...